Thanks, for the updates, Aaron! Loved your initiative to donate the book to libraries…
Thanks for this update! Will definitely have to try out IF Comp and talk with my local library about requesting a copy. Very exciting!!
Feel free to fill my inbox - your cogitations are always welcome. Press <E>xamine, <P>ause or <Q>uit...
Poke away, my friend. Your mass-emails are some of the few I look forward to.
Always enjoy your updates. Thanks
Thanks, for the updates, Aaron! Loved your initiative to donate the book to libraries…
Thanks for this update! Will definitely have to try out IF Comp and talk with my local library about requesting a copy. Very exciting!!
Feel free to fill my inbox - your cogitations are always welcome. Press <E>xamine, <P>ause or <Q>uit...
Poke away, my friend. Your mass-emails are some of the few I look forward to.
Always enjoy your updates. Thanks