Aaron, thank you for this review and analysis of Carl Muckenhoupt’s The Gostak, it was seminal at the time. The gostak gestims the doshes. Why is this IF important? Well, you have told many more new people. I’m glad.
It strikes me that this game could be relevant to contemporary debates over AI and what a system like GPT-4 'understands' by learning through predicting language, and what need there is for additional mechanisms like 'grounding'.
It definitely takes a very specific kind of player to try! Fortunately I suspect the overlap between "masochists" and "people interested in linguistics" is fairly high ;)
offered as support for your theory: my first thought was "I bet you could do something like this where the vocabulary is randomized, so it's replayable after learning it once"; my second thought was "I'm absolutely playing this"; and I have a degree in linguistics. 😂
Aaron, thank you for this review and analysis of Carl Muckenhoupt’s The Gostak, it was seminal at the time. The gostak gestims the doshes. Why is this IF important? Well, you have told many more new people. I’m glad.
It strikes me that this game could be relevant to contemporary debates over AI and what a system like GPT-4 'understands' by learning through predicting language, and what need there is for additional mechanisms like 'grounding'.
This article pronked me double much. Clip clop, Aaron.
Fascinating concept, but I'm not sure I could endure the challenge required to finish it!
It definitely takes a very specific kind of player to try! Fortunately I suspect the overlap between "masochists" and "people interested in linguistics" is fairly high ;)
offered as support for your theory: my first thought was "I bet you could do something like this where the vocabulary is randomized, so it's replayable after learning it once"; my second thought was "I'm absolutely playing this"; and I have a degree in linguistics. 😂
I've taken courses in psycholinguistics so I'm halfway there....
Jason's blog is the best!!
Note: some might consider perusing this list major spoilers!! (But thanks Curtis for posting the link for those who need it.)