2020: Scents & Semiosis
2019: A.I. Dungeon
2018: Weyrwood
2017: Universal Paperclips
2016: The Freshman
2015: Lifeline
2014: 80 Days
2013: A Family Supper
2012: Howling Dogs
2011: Nested
2010: Digital: A Love Story
2009: Fallen London
2008: Violet
2007: El museo de las consciencias; Lieux communs
2006: Dwarf Fortress
2005: Shades of Doom
2004: The Fire Tower
2003: The Kingdom of Loathing
2002: Screen
2001: The Beast
2000: Galatea
1999: King of Dragon Pass
1998: Photopia
1997: Achaea
1996: So Far
1995: Patchwork Girl
1994: The Playground
1993: Curses
1992: Silverwolf
1991: Trade Wars 2002
1990: LambdaMOO
1989: Monster Island
1988: P.R.E.S.T.A.V.B.A.
1987: Plundered Hearts
1986: Uncle Roger
1985: A Mind Forever Voyaging
1984: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
1983: Suspended
1982: The Hobbit
1981: His Majesty's Ship "Impetuous"
1980: MUD
1979: The Cave of Time
1978: Pirate Adventure
1977: Zork
1976: Adventure
1975: dnd
1974: Super Star Trek
1973: Hunt the Wumpus
1972: ROCKET
1971: The Oregon Trail
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